ArVum IT - Near Shoring from Costa Rica

Global operations and cost efficiencies have made offshoring a necessity and an imperative part of the IT environment. However the challenges of managing a traditional Asia based offshore model can put a strain on even the largest of US companies.

This can be all the more overwhelming considering the leaner management structures in companies and the challenges of time zone and communication.

Near shoring is Outsourcing to countries sharing similar time zones and cultural affinities. In the past decade, Costa Rica has emerged as a leading player in the global market for near shore back office operations.

The rise of Costa Rica as a preferred offshore destination for United States based companies has been primarily driven by a combination of factors:

• Geo Proximity - Costa Rica’s time zone and physical proximity to the United States provides a significant advantage. Unlike distant Asia, Costa Rica is just a few hours from North America. It is easier to travel when necessary and also more convenient to manage communications.

• Cultural Similarities - Costa Rica and the United States share similar business & social cultures. Offshore resources integrate better & more easily with their counterparts in the United States.

• Qualified Work force - Costa Rica has a large & experienced labor pool. It has the # 1 ranked education system in Latin America and a literacy rate of 96% +.

• Multilingual advantage - English & Spanish proficient workforce with an estimated 80% of service transactions occurring in English.

• Safe and Stable - Costa Rica is a long standing democracy with no army of its own. The country invests heavily in health care and education for its population.

Arvum IT at Costa Rica

Located in San Jose in the heart of Technology belt

Cost effective Near shoring models

Deep technology capability

Innovation& transformation

Highly skilled resource pool

ArVum IT is located in San Jose, Costa Rica. We offer top quality talent in information technology and business consulting areas with a great depth in SAP, open technologies, Mobility & Project Management. Our promise is to deliver best-in-class solutions with tangible results that enable our customers to achieve a competitive advantage and growth.

Our company provides Near Shoring capabilities and services to our clients located in North America at a very attractive cost model, offering includes:

Consulting services on a T&M engagement mode

Complete end to end responsibility based fixed fee assignments

Combination of above

Our skilled consultants are proficient in English & Spanish, respectful and proactively get integrated into larger teams from clients & major service providers.

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Trust our experience

Our highly talented professionals, with over 5 years of experience in developing close relationships with our customers and their business is our best presentation card.

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Our promise

Our share of the different business environments, retail, made to order, service industry, financial services and tourism have always delivered solutions that satisfy the customers needs and expectation. That is our promise to your business.

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Our profile

We are distinguished for our highly talented and motivated people with a strong sense of ownership. We leverage our expertise to improve our client's daily processes through the use of innovation and technology.

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Business satisfaction

We ensure your business satisfaction through industry standard and best practices like ITIL, PMI methodology, AGILE and more.